Cyrano sang the apple to Roxane. We waited for Godot with Beckett, it is ultimately never came. Tremblay and Dubé surprised us with their language "joualesque. Jarry and Ubu merdrrre made us smile in a light green candle. The singer, Ionesco, but his hair has left us confused, but now we know: There's the navy that is honest in England. Toinette us stunned by his double life and Argan by his illness. Hamlet avenged her father and her mother cry. The muses are not orphans, they have found the players ...
And above all, there were my students that I was impressed by their talent. I do not really expect it. To teach texts by choir students from 3 to 4-5-6th grade did not seem a small matter. Yet they almost all did. Even those who have difficulty in class have been working memory. I am so proud of them. They are so proud of them! My heavy work earlier this year will be worth it. I still remember the encouragement to breathe just before their arrival on the central stage our class. I can see them get their text from the ceiling, I remember smiling at the sound of their beautiful notes that appear on their ballot. I am delighted, surprised and happy! I will not cough in vain!