I typed in "real life" in google image and this is the first picture that has emerged. I told myself: Why not? "
Hey "Back in the real world! Not top level but morale alive for sure. The winter blues I guess ... say that I do not really know how I feel. Students are on fire and even some explosives and my wick decreases as the January advance. Roll on February.
I was right, this month, at times incredibly difficult to manage. One student even asked the single most despicable I have ever witnessed during my career lean towards another student. I will not mention this gesture because it is beyond comprehension to me.
children are sad, unhappy and alone. Too many children to save ... it seems that we should have the ambition to save one year. Which to choose? The odious young man who seems to feel no emotions ... no remorse? He seems to feel so alone and left alone to himself every night ... He closes like an oyster and screaming its distress at letting off steam on his teachers? And the others? I'm what?
I still lack the courage with perfect big boy I work with. It is perfect for me, I'm perfect for him ... but nothing gets done. And I read here ... unable to cry out that I like well. 28 years almost all my teeth, wisdom and less, and here I am m'appitoyer for myself, too little voice to blow my words of love. And my heart is torn gradually ... And
brothel ... shit sometimes real life!
The Minicia
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