That's excellent-blog A year! After blowing the first anniversary on January 3rd, I received a rather unexpected gift on January 5. Let me explain: First, I must remind you this little article I wrote about the films coming in early 2011, article dated December 21 and is called "Homecoming 2011". Here is the passage about Somewhere, Sofia Coppola.

Well so far so good, the tone is light, shifted, it's very funny and extremely well written I would say you. Yes but now, when I went on the web yesterday (yes I have a very good balance), I came across this "article".
Then he Perhaps this is the biggest coincidence of these last three years, it is also possible that this is just a plain old plagiarism. I know you, but me I choose the second option. At first, I was honored this young student has read my blog and she obviously loved. In Secondly, I was a little pissed, this girl has read my blog, she loved and she obviously has copied everything word for word on his blog.
Until proven otherwise, a blog, it serves to share his passion, his opinion on things, etc. ... When you have no personal opinion it is closed, if the articles to appropriate other people copying them word for word, it is useless. Finally, one wonders what good "writing" an article on Somewhere made two mistakes when spelling "Sofia Coppola".
Otherwise, to talk a little movie, I'll post an article about this famous Somewhere in the coming days, I think it will be available on the blog of Kim from next week ...
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