Airnadette is switched on which Air Guitar, playback with hairbrushes, Air Battery synchronized not care who the Rock in your life what. Airnadette is simply the biggest Airband the world! I will go and bring you the 7 members of the group (pictured above, left to right): Love Gunther, who needs no introduction, but for the dunces who do not yet know the double champion world, a little reminder here. M-Rodz, always ready to rumble, Jean-Francoise, always ready for a good beer. The man with blond hair and piercing blue eyes, is Chateau Brutal. Christilla Cargol fan of the 80, Lio and other singers to text, Scotch Brit with her cleavage to make Britney blush, and finally Moche Pitt, a real legend of the Air Guitar, vice-champion of the World 2007 by jumping into the audience and crashing to the ground like a pancake. Since it is forbidden to jump from the stage at the World Championships Air Guitar.

Airnadette To understand, you have to live the experience LIVE. Whether at the Bus Palladium at Bercy, or even the United States of America, Airnadette takes everything in its path through the energy displayed on stage. Cynics will always say "yeah, it's a bit easier anyway" but when you see Moche Pitt on the Strokes or by Gunther Freddy Mercury, I say "yeah, it's a bit of great art anyway." Canal + did not err by giving them a blog ( http://airnadette.blog.canalplus.fr/ ) and following them in their American adventures, the doc on their U.S. tour would be released early 2011. If you like Rock and styling, go see Airnadette, Will there perhaps your sister!
For fans, here's a report during the World Championships in Oulu ==> Airnadette World Championships 2010.
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