Cars loaded ras-la-gueule of our latest creations we leave Paris while gently as two divers make a final decompression before the surface. We arrive at Le Mans in the late afternoon and were welcomed warmly by our friend Lucien, who invites us to dine around his favorite meal, a fabulous tenderloin curry Sarthe way! Very nice evening!
The next morning the real fun begins as this is our hang exhibition whose opening is scheduled for two days. The room is beautiful but not easy. No attachment system worthy of the name is available and it will take two days to juggle nails does not fit in the wall, metal cables, scotch and bubble level.
We open the festivities by hanging on wires, stretched at the center of the room, the sheets on which we had printed on the cover of KUU manifesto, and both our editorials. The core is in place and begins to beat ...
Can we imagine the ground available to our studio work we do climb the wall, as a private collection, patchwork of shapes and colors. The paintings dialogue among them, wonder forms, answer, colors provoke.
Then it time for our envelopes, our metamorphosis, huddling under glass and dancing along the strings of metal on the other walls of the room. Moving forward, without repentance, but energized with the satisfaction of seeing the building rise up slowly.
This is ultimately only three hours before the opening that everything is finally in place, the time to print a floor plan and our price list, take a shower and here we are again on the spot. The festivities begin!
Opening while curiosity and trade, interview by speakerphone and Ouest-France, humorous story created by France 3. We answer questions, draw on the papers that we pasted on the walls, dédicaçons our magazine, everything goes very quickly, we do not see the time passing. White tablecloths disappear from the buffet tables, the room empties slowly, we have distilled a lot of energy! 20:30, the time to greet Lucien and here we are "on the road again", to Paris. Satisfied and happy, the highway runs in front of us and calls us the night talking about our past adventures and future plans ...
Another big thank you to Lucien, Jean-Michel and Patricia for their help in the retention and Karima for his invaluable dedication during the opening! We come back on 13, 14, 15 and 16 May!
Exhibition Eric Meyer and Ivan SIGG
117th - Park Monod
72000 - Le Mans
May 6 to June 13
Open Tuesday to Sunday from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
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