picture "Le Maine Libre Olivier Blin. Thanks to Frederica
Bréhaut for his fine article in the mainelibre.fr
Under the banner of the Pavilion Puls'Art Monod sees all colors. Thanks be to Ivan Sigg and Eric Meyer whose malice accomplice diverts some newspapers, including those of Maine Libre.
From an original, there are enough clues for identification. Character, color, logo, betray the original source. Following the principle intertwines the actions of the two artists. Under their attacks to deflect each colored paths fanciful, slip into other stories. Maine Libre, but Telerama, Liberation or A Nous Paris dressed again and overcome their common codes.
One word on the rebound. If "Link in art" derives from "Wind in Sarthe," what lies beneath the original title "Floods: 500 trout on the bed? Whatever. Sigg and Meyer play. The viewer also.
Both are Parisians encountered on their blogs before confronting their taste for work performed in front of a live audience during a previous Puls'Art. This artistic dialogue will continue without fail since, at the option of cloth or postal art communes in which they excel. "This is the principle of the boomerang," said Ivan Sigg. One address an envelope "improved" to another who returns the letter with his own actions. " The exercise is to surprise the acrobatic partner. "When one has set the bar high enough, it's exciting. Because we try to surprise each other. " The exhibition at the Pavilion Monod testifies emulation. This same mood
presided at the birth of their review Kuu "Emptiness" in Japanese. "Creating zany, laughter, misappropriation, we want to move this state of mind." Each journal is also a unique piece, which makes the artwork unique to 20 €.
Finally, Eric Meyer and Ivan Sigg always ready to work in front of a live audience reoffend at the Cité des Arts the weekend of May 16
At Pavilion Monod until June 13
Find the article on mainelibre.fr
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