2011 approach, so we have a little time before all burst in 2012, and the big films of the early the year are now pointing the tip of their coil. A few days of turkey with chestnuts, here's a quick overview of events that await us in early 2011.

Somewhere - Sofia Coppola
Sofia Coppola is back with a personal film, tender and melancholy, all that you love her what. It is at the same time a beautiful "Tarantinade" by bringing to life the film Stephen Dorff who was lost in the wilderness, he crossed a few years now. We also discover the young Elle Fanning, little sister of Dakota. Pay your Trailer with Phoenix and Julian Casablancas!
Released 05/01.
The Green Hornet - Michel Gondry
Gondry's films are recognizable from 100, but then you look at the credits twice to make sure that it is he who is behind this big machine. Michael dropped the cardboard and paper mache time version of a Green Hornet Blockbuster and starring Seth Rogen and Cameron Diaz. Trailer very spicy!
Released 12/01.

Black Swan - Darren Aronofsky
From the first images, we feel we will experience something special. A dancer, red eyes, broken mirrors, feathers in the back ... something very dark concocted by Darren Aronofsky, accustomed to the fact ( Requiem for a Dream, The Westler ). Vincent Cassel will play opposite Natalie Portman. Attention thrills, Trailer .
Released 09/02.
Tron Legacy - Joseph Kosinski
Disney Event 2011 is well on Tron Legacy. The soundtrack is almost as anticipated as the movie and because it is signed Daft Punk. Trailer , almost.
Released 09/02.

True Grit - Joel and Ethan Coen
The Coen brothers are also awaited with their western True Grit. They screwed up a patch to Jeff Bridges and a mustache to Matt Damon, it promises! The Dude on horseback Trailer .
Released 23/02.
Never Let Me Go - Mark Romanek
The cream of the cream of British cinema, meeting in a movie (the custard, well done!) Is what we looked Never Let Me Go which includes Andrew Garfield (Boy A ), Carey Mulligan ( An Education ) and Keira Knightley (the 3 / 4 English films in costume). Bloody trailer.
Released 02/03.
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